

10 Hacks to Make a Box of Wine Taste Amazing

by admin
January 10, 2017
Categories: Wineries

Any boxed wine drinkers out there? These are some seriously cooky wine ideas for covering up the “boxed wine” taste. #TuesdayTip

Once in the domain of wines with distinct notes of Kool-Aid and undertones of Pixy Stix, boxed wine has changed since you used it to play Slap the Bag in college. Whether you’re opting for a highbrow Tetra Pak or the kind with a spigot, there are lots of options you don’t have to be the least bit embarrassed about consuming. Of course, if you’re on a budget, boozing with a crowd, or just really like the cheap stuff, here are 10 refreshing and delicious ways to trick out your boxed wine this summer..

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