& Posts series

Port de Pierre!
Port de Pierre "Stone Bridge" is the first bridge connecting "The Left Bank and Right Bank'' and was the only bridge for 150 years crossing over the Baronne River.

Bula! Still working away on EXPLORING WINE REGIONS BORDEAUX Took a break and went on an excursion with the best guide in Fiji! Beni, his family and his circle of friends welcomed us with warm Fijian hospitality!! They confirmed our belief that one of the best part...

You may or may not have the same view!
We traveled a long way to give you a preview of the full moon you’re going to experience tonight. We take our work very seriously. (You may or may not have the same view).

Louvre, world’s largest museum!
#louvre, world’s largest museum with a magnificent collection, including the #monalisa, lives up to its reputation.

Bonjour! We are in Paris!
Bonjour! We are in Paris taking in the beautiful city before we head to #Bordeaux for more material on our next book, #ExploringWineRegionsBordeaux @ Plaza de la Bastilla

Bordeaux, France

Summer in Bordeaux
Summer (again), in Bordeaux, in October. Time to play. #summer #sailing#october #medoc #portmedoc #bordeaux #france #ocean #ewr

Imagine wine regions with beaches this beautiful. Bordeaux! The Médoc. #ocean #wine #ewr #sunset #sunsets #beautiful #bordeaux #medoc#beach #beaches #medocatlantique

The Médoc Atlantique
The Médoc Atlantique. Yes, this the famous Médoc in Bordeaux France, except is is on the Atlantic ocean side. An excellent getaway from exploring the Château. This is BICYCLE HEAVEN here. Hundreds of miles of deluxe bicycle 🚲 paths... through the forest, along...